Tianjin Goubuli Group Corporation has submitted an application to the State Administration of Industry and Commerce to register "Go Believe" as its English brand.
A Tianjin citizen came up with "Go Believe," and the name has received high praise from an expert evaluation group.
By law, brand registration follows the principle of "application first." For similar products, after receiving the application, the trademark office of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce would then check whether applications for the same or similar brands already exist.
The Tianjin Goubuli Group submitted its application for the "Go Believe" brand to the trademarkoffice at the first chance available.But because newspapers had published the name a few days before, whether or not the brand registration will be successful remains to be seen.
The president of Tianjin Goubuli Group Corporation, Zhan Yansen, told reporters that since the pronunciation of "Go Believe" is quite similar to its original Chinese name, and the meaning is also in accordance with the honesty the group, it is very suitable for this hundred–year-old brand.
前一阵子听说京城老字号敲定了洋名,6家老字号新的“洋名”是:全聚德 Quanjude Peking Roast Duck-Since 1864;吴裕泰Wuyutai Tea Shop-Since 1887;同仁堂 Tongrentang Chinese Medicine-Since 1669;瑞蚨祥Ruifuxiang Silk-Since 1862;荣宝斋Rongbaozhai Art Gallery-Since 1672;王致和Wangzhihe Gourmet Food-Since 1669。现在天津的狗不理包子也起了洋名叫Go believe。
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